Football HD New Biss Key On Yahsat-1 at 52.5°E 2023

Football HD New Biss Key On Yahsat-1 at 52.5°E 2023 – The following is the bisskey code for Football HD Tajikistan television broadcasts on the yahsat-1 Ku-Band satellite in 2023.

To watch Tajikistan Football HD television broadcasts, you can direct the Parabolic Antenna to the Yasat-1 Ku-Band Satellite at a tilt position (52.5°E).
Then add the TP or frequency transponder number below to the Parabolic Receiver, then carry out the search process:
TV Broadcast ID Name : Football HD Tajikistan
Frequency Number : 11785
Polarity : H (Horizontal)
Symbol Rate Number : 27500
BissKey Code Number: 1234 0046 ABCD 0078
TV Broadcast ID Name : TV Varzish Tajikistan
Frequency Number : 11787
Polarity : H (Horizontal)
Symbol Rate Number : 27500
BissKey Code Number : 03A0 1BBE 20C1 6D4E
After doing the search process and getting the broadcast, then input the Bisskey random code again which is already there at the top.
This is the information we can convey to you, namely about the bisskey code for HD Tajikistan Football television broadcasts on the Yasat-1 Ku-Band satellite in 2023. Hope this helps.

